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Grensoverschrijdende Natte Verbindingen + (juli 1, 2016)
DeltaDrip + (juli 1, 2016)
Ontwikkeling Axelse Vlakte III + (juli 1, 2016)
Maintenance Value Park Fase 1 + (juli 1, 2016)
Verkenning Inbreng Regionale Waterstromen op Het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen + (juli 1, 2016)
Landschapsuitvoeringsplan Assenede + (juli 1, 2016)
Landschapsuitvoeringsplan Entree Terneuzen + (juli 1, 2016)
Landschapsuitvoeringsplan Fort Sint Anthonie + (juli 1, 2016)
Stedelijk Waterplan + (juli 1, 2016)
Staats Spaanse Linies + (juli 1, 2016)
Vaarroute Netwerken + (juli 1, 2016)
Rondje Otheense Kreek + (juli 1, 2016)
Ontwikkeling van de Veerhaven + (juli 1, 2016)
Freshmaker + (juli 1, 2016)
Waterbergingsoevers + (juli 1, 2016)
Waterconservering met stuwtjes in sloten + (juli 1, 2016)
Green Infrastructure + (juli 1, 2016)
Maintenance Value Park Fase 2 + (juli 1, 2016)
Spuikom + (juli 1, 2016)
Mosselbanken + (juli 1, 2016)
Oostbos + (juli 1, 2016)
Verkenning Regionale Industriële en/of Communale Wateropwerkingsinstallatie + (juli 1, 2016)
Verkennen Samenwerking Vlaanderen + (juli 1, 2016)
Verkennen van vergroten Captatiegebied Vlaamse Polders + (juli 1, 2016)
Verkennen Kleine Stellepolder als Waterbergingslocatie + (juli 1, 2016)
Braakman Zuid en Noord + (juli 1, 2016)
Bodembeheer t.b.v. zoetwaterconservering en watergebruiksefficiëntie fruitteelt + (juli 1, 2016)
Research possibilities at Shanghai Ocean University + (juli 13, 2016)
Qualitative benthos surveys; data analysis and development of a survey protocol + (augustus 2016)
Artificial oyster reefs on the Oesterdam safety buffer project location + (augustus 2016)
Additional Value in Mussels (meerwaarde met mosselen): Monitoring of Wave protection structures + (augustus 1, 2016)
Monitoring the survival of restored mussel beds + (augustus 1, 2016)
Early benthic phase european lobsters (homarus gammarus), where are you? + (augustus 1, 2016)
Biodiversity assessments on rich revetments + (augustus 1, 2016)
Salt marsh development in tidal restoration projects + (augustus 1, 2016)
Morphological development of Perkpolder tidal basin + (augustus 1, 2016)
Biodiversity on the dikes with mastic asphalt of Zeeland + (augustus 2016)
Identifying the relation between the traits of intertidal-organism and the ecosystem services they provide: carbon storage, coastal protection and biodiversity (outside HZ) + (augustus 1, 2016)
Developing knowledge to preserve and restore valuable coastal ecosystems: a global study on seagrasses, mangroves and salt marshes (outside HZ) + (augustus 1, 2016)
Biogeomorphic landscape formation by ecosystem engineers: generalizing across species by understanding the role of organism traits (plants, algae and benthos) (outside HZ) + (augustus 1, 2016)
Providing a mechanistic understanding how to maximize combined nature and coastal protection goals (outside HZ) + (augustus 1, 2016)
Effect of water dynamics on the clearance rate of oysters and mussels + (augustus 1, 2016)
Monitoring ecological development in the 'Groene Poort' project (outside HZ) + (augustus 2016)
Optimisation of sand nourishment techniques for restoring ecological valuable tidal flats:Unravelling the importance of bio-physical interactions (outside HZ) + (augustus 1, 2016)
Benthic community recovery along an elevation gradient at two sites differing in their hydrodynamic exposure + (augustus 1, 2016)
The facilitative effect of ‘priming’ on benthic community recovery + (augustus 1, 2016)
Sand nourishments in coastal systems: an Ecosystem-based approach (Literature research) + (augustus 1, 2016)
The influence of living organisms on sediment erosion + (augustus 1, 2016)
Roggenplaat sand nourishment and the potential for artifical reefs + (augustus 2016)
Optimization of diatom (Skeletonema costatum) production in vertically stacked horizontal tubular photobioreactors + (september 1, 2016)